Did you go to a Chattanooga Rosenwald School? We want you!


In 1912, a former slave and the son of Jewish immigrants began a friendship that would foster the education of over 663,000 African American students in 15 states throughout the rural South, including Chattanooga.

Children of Rosenwald Schools became thought leaders, change-makers and social justice icons with names like Zora Neale Hurston, Maya Angelou, Congressman John Lewis and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. learning from schools supported by the dreams of Sears magnate Julius Rosenwald and Booker T. Washington.

On Monday, October 4, 2021 at 7 PM the public is invited to “The Legacy of Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Schools National Historical Park Campaign” with guest speaker, Dr. Dorothy Canter. Visit https://nppcha.org/current-projects/mbls2021 for information about the annual Moccasin Bend Lecture series with presenting sponsor Greg Vital and to reserve your spot at the IMAX or online.

National Park Partners supports the work of the National Park Services sites in the region and is managed by a community board, including Chronicle publisher John Edward. Dedicated to protecting, preserving, and interpreting our National Treasures, the organization’s team is looking for graduates of Chattanooga’s Rosenwald School legacy for a celebration of their role in our community.

Please contact Jennifer Crutchfield at jennifer@nppcha.org or 423-933-4906 if you have information on the legacy or graduates of any of the following schools:

Bakewell School

Harrison Elementary

Booker T. Washington High School

Hixson School

Chickamauga School

Roland Hayes School

Georgetown School Summit Elementary