Faith Family Chattanooga Church partnering with ROC to offer free Summer Lunch Program

Left to right: The Rev. Reginald Washington of Faith Family Chattanooga Church, Restoration Outreach Center President and CEO Claudius Pratt and Restoration Outreach Center Program/Outreach Director Jae Pratt.

Faith Family Chattanooga Church is  partnering with Restoration Outreach Center (ROC) to offer a free Summer Lunch Program.

Volunteers will hand out bagged lunches to school age children Monday-Friday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., June 7-July 30, at Faith Family Chattanooga Church, 2505 E. 43rd St.

In Tennessee, 1 in 4 children face hunger every day. While children are in school, they can take advantage of national school breakfast and lunch programs. But when summer arrives, a vast majority of the children eligible for these programs do not know where their next meal is coming from.

Pastor Reginald Washington of Faith Family Chattanooga Church said the Summer Lunch Program will ensure that during school vacation, children 18 years or younger can receive the same high quality meals as those provided during the school year by the national programs.

“Just as learning does not end when school lets out, neither does a child’s need for good nutrition,” Pastor Washington said. “The Summer Lunch Program lines up with Faith Family’s vision, which is B.U.I.L.D.–to bring individuals into the kingdom, undergird them and invest in them through love and discipleship.”

ROC President and CEO Claudius Pratt said the Summer Lunch Program aligns with ROC’s core mission as well.

“Through partnerships with community stakeholders, we believe that we can have a meaningful impact as we work together to enhance and change lives,” said Pratt. “As an outreach center and multicultural non-profit organization, we thrive on building the family, reaching the lost, embracing the hurting and serving the community with a message of faith and compassion that impacts generations.”

For further information on the Summer Lunch Program, call Faith Family Chattanooga Church at 423-499-4924.