Chattanooga-Hamilton County NAACP Is Asking: East Ridge Tennessee How Many Times Do You Use An Electroshock Weapon On An Individual?

A man in East Ridge tased during a felony traffic stop Wed. April 13.

A recent video was posted on YouTube that shows a Black man being shocked repeatedly by an East Ridge Police officer.  The way this man was handled for a violation that he asks repeatedly for an explanation is not acceptable.  

What is the standard for employing electroshock?  When do you inform the person of the law he or she has violated?  Why do you use vulgar language to communicate with a person who is being stopped?  Does a person become less than human when stopped by law enforcement?

View the video at below and determine if the actions of the man stopped justify the punishment inflicted.  The local NAACP has had three calls from Black men concerning the treatment by East Ridge officers when driving in the town.  

If you were stopped in East Ridge, send an email to  Everyone needs to be treated as a human being.

The NAACP is a premier civil rights organization founded in 1909 with Branches across the United States of America.

Contact:  Reverend Ann J. Pierre, President, Chattanooga-Hamilton County NAACP   P.O. Box 3226 Chattanooga, TN 37404 –