Mike Greer Launches Campaign for Hamilton County Commission District 5


Mike Greer has announced that he will be a candidate in the May 3, 2022 Democratic primary election for the District 5 County Commission seat being vacated by Katherlyn Geter. District 5 includes the Airport, Bonny Oaks, Dalewood, Eastgate, Glenwood, Lake Hills, Ridgeside, Tyner, and Woodmore voting precincts.

The long-time Chattanooga resident was born and raised in District 5. He and his wife raised their two daughters in this District. Greer is a financial advisor and small business owner, who is dedicated to helping community members find good jobs post-COVID and secure their financial future.

Greer is committed to seeing District 5 move forward, stating “I’m ready to pick up the work Commissioner Geter started, to represent this district in front of our entire Commission and to reprioritize it in front of all our communities.”

The Greer campaign pledges to concentrate on three main community concerns: education and fully funding our local public schools, creating economic opportunities within District 5, and strengthening our neighborhoods with a focus on affordable housing and increasing home ownership.

Interested parties may learn more about the campaign by visiting www.electmikegreer.com