The Chattanooga Links Partner with Area Schools

The Chattanooga Links Partner with Area Schools
The Chattanooga Links Partner with Area Schools

The Chattanooga Chapter of The Links, Inc. recently completed a community project during their November Friendship Month.  The Links partnered with two local schools, Brainerd High and Central High to promote self-esteem and self-awareness to high school girls through this community effort: “Period Project”.  The Links donated to each school an abundance of feminine and hygiene products thereby ensuring all girls in high school have access to products to last throughout the semester. 

Any female student may contact the school nurse or counselor for information on obtaining these items.  This project will be extended to other area high schools beginning 2022-2023 academic year.  Link Angel Ulmer is Vice President, Membership and Link Kathi Grant-Willis is President, Chattanooga Chapter. 

From left to right:  Link Angel Ulmer; Jane-Brainerd PE Instructor; Link Joy Hudson; Link Mildred Geeter; and Link Star Lackey.

Standing, from left: Student Nurse; Link Mildred Geeter; Link Joy Hudson; Link Star Lackey; Link Angel Ulmer; Nurse          ; Connie Skipper, Central High Registrar; and Shea Vetterick, Central School Counselor.