Student from Boys Prep Assume the Character of 1921 Newsies


At 12:30 on Thursday, June 3rd, “Extra! Extra! Read All About It!”– will be the chant of Boys Prep students dressed as 1920’s newsies (Newspaper boys) as they hand out an educational newspaper on both ends of the Walnut Street bridge. Inside will be pictures and information about several historical events from Black Wall Street, Ed Johnson, and Juneteenth, to the Big Nine (MLK in Chattanooga) and the businesses that lined that street

This comes a part of a month-long Juneteenth Independence Day celebration presented by the 4th Annual Chattanooga Festival pf Black Arts & Ideas: Juneteenth Independence Day. The multidisciplinary festival aims to spotlight emerging and established local Black artists and build greater community awareness of the diversity of Black arts within Chattanooga and Hamilton County, says festival founder and CEO Ricardo “Ric” Morris. The event will also provide opportunities for discussions on topics that connect Black arts to other areas of the life of the community. For more information visit our website at: or Call Ric Morris at 423-883-0178