Pictured from left: Alberta Gilbert who was recognized for her tireless work with the affiliate; Vincinetta Brown, who is Vice President and charter member who has served 43 years; Ethel Jones, Secretary and charter member who has served 43 years; seated, Gloria McClendon, President; Patricia Pace, Sorority Advisor; Gloria Smith, Historian. Back row, from left, Lorene Edwards, Sgt-At Arms; Patricia Akins, Chaplain; Anita Jones, Treasurer; and not pictured Lee Hawkins, Financial Secretary. (Photo: CNC/G. Faye Stoudemire)
On December 18, 2023 the Gamma Theta Sigma Chapter of Philos Affiliate of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., had their Christmas Gala at “Cilla’s” of Herman’s Restaurant.
This was a special double occasion as their Christmas Celebration and the Celebration of their Anniversary of being in existence for 43 years, as a local affiliate. The organization is a non-profit volunteer affiliate group that renders service to the community.