National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Chattanooga Chapter Incorporated,(NCBW) Celebrate New Members

New Member Installation Ceremony was held on August 15, 2024 for inductees into NCBW. The rituals of the NCBW induction were performed by, from left-center: Beverly P. Johnson, NCBW National Board Member; Elizabeth Appling, NCBW President-Chattanooga Chapter, Inc.; and Angela Love, NCBW Chattanooga Chapter, Inc., Third Vice-President, Membership.

By Camm Ashford & F. R. Edwards

New member installation was held on August 15, 2024 as thirteen accomplished women were officially inducted into the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Chattanooga Chapter, Incorporated (NCBW).  The rituals of ceremony were held at Orchard Knob Baptist Church. The new members, hailing from diverse backgrounds, join a distinguished group of women dedicated to promoting gender equity, leadership development, and economic empowerment in the African American community.

Inductees: Tabatha Anderson, Stephanie Athalone, Rosetta Bell, Cynthia Coleman, Brittany Crutcher, Legend Dansby, Raquetta Dotley, Kathryn Gladden, Dr. Lar’Mara Henderson, LaTonya Lyons, Denita Strickland, Deondra Tumlin and Dr. Andress Walker.

“We are excited as we welcome our newest members into our sisterhood and we look forward to incorporating their talents, skills, and expertise in our organization”, remarked Elizabeth D. Appling, President, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Chattanooga Chapter Incorporated.

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. was founded in 1981, and has been a driving force for positive change nationwide. The Chattanooga Chapter, established in 1995, has consistently addressed issues such as healthcare, education, politics and economic development.

The organization’s mission is to advocate for Black women and girls, focusing on leadership development, gender equity and empowerment.