EPB Seeks Community Input and Submissions for Fourth and Final 10th Street Mural


EPB is seeking community input and submissions for the fourth and final installment of its 10th Street Mural Project. The project began in 2020, offering local artists an opportunity to share their talent on each side of EPB’s 10th Street substation wall.

Community members are encouraged to spread the word to local artists and encourage them to submit their work.

An outside group of community stakeholders will use an anonymous judging process to select artists who live or work in EPB’s service territory based on the submission’s artistic value, community reflection and thematic relevance.

A tentative timeline of the mural process is as follows:

January 2024: Call for artist submissions (must be at least 18, and live or work in EPB’s service territory. First time muralists are welcome to apply)

February 2024: Select artists

March 2024: Announce selected artists

April 2024: Begin work

May 2024: End work

Thursday, June 13, 2024: Mural celebration event

Murals showcased on the Foster and E. 10th Streets sides of EPB’s 10th Street substation wall over the last three years honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Chattanooga history and well-known Chattanooga community members.

EPB is a locally owned and operated electric power and utility company serving Chattanooga and Hamilton County, Tennessee. The company provides electricity to over 160,000 customers. For further information on the 10th Street Mural Project, contact Vanessa Willis with EPB at willisvm@epb.net.