Community Food Giveaway at Faith Family Chattanooga Church, 2505 East 43rd St.

Recent community food giveaway at Faith Family Chattanooga Church, 2505 East 43rd St.

By Camm Ashford 

Faith Family Chattanooga Church is partnering with Restoration Outreach Center (ROC) and Amen’d to offer a free Food & Clothing Giveaway.

The event will be held on June 25, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Southside Community Park, 3501 Central Ave. (near the main business office).

Pastor Reginald Washington of Faith Family Chattanooga Church noted that rising prices and inflation are making it harder for families of all income levels, and for those living in every neighborhood of the city, to put food on the table and to make ends meet. Therefore, he wanted the Food & Clothing Giveaway to be available for anyone in need, and hopes it will make a small difference.

“Anytime we offer a helping hand to our neighbors in vulnerable communities, we’re assisting all residents of Chattanooga grow, prosper and thrive together as a city,” Pastor Washington said. “The Food and Clothing Giveaway this Saturday lines up with Faith Family’s vision, which is B.U.I.L.D.–to bring individuals into the kingdom, undergird them and invest in them through love and discipleship.”

ROC President and CEO Claudius Pratt said the Food & Clothing Giveaway aligns with ROC’s core mission as well.

“Through partnerships with community stakeholders, we believe that we can have a meaningful impact as we work together to enhance and change lives,” said Pratt. “As an outreach center and multicultural non-profit organization, we thrive on building the family, reaching the lost, embracing the hurting and serving the community with a message of faith and compassion that impacts generations.”

Amen’d was founded by husband and wife, Kasan and Sheena Parson. According to its website, “Amen–meaning it is finished. Mend–meaning to repair and to make stronger. We are the one stop agency for incarcerated individuals who desire to live past the limitations that have been placed on them.”

Faith Family Chattanooga Church is located at 2505 East 43rd St. For further information,  call 423-499-4924.