“ Abundant Mercy” – In the Huddle 



(Nehemiah 9:17, NLT)

They refused to obey and…became stubborn and appointed a leader to take them back to their slavery in Egypt. But you are a GOD of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. You did not abandon them…


When the Israelites were in the desert on the way to the Promised Land, they got tired, started complaining, and wouldn’t obey GOD’s commands. But GOD didn’t say, “You’re done.” HE kept providing them water and food and helping them defeat their enemies. At one point they made an idol and said, “This is the god that brought us out of slavery.” After all GOD had done for them, you would think GOD would say, “All right, you’re on your own,” but GOD would not abandon them. When we make mistakes, GOD doesn’t abandon us. When we don’t follow HIS commands, we get off course, but GOD doesn’t give up on us. Even when we ignore HIM or give somebody else the credit that HE deserves, HE doesn’t say, “I’ll show you who’s in charge.” He’s full of mercy. HE won’t turn HIS back on you. You may have made some poor decisions, but through HIS grace and unfailing love, HE already has a new way to get you to your destination.


FATHER, thank YOU for YOUR mercies that are new every morning and for YOUR great unfailing love. Thank YOU that my mistakes and failures are not too much for YOUR mercy. I believe that I am covered by YOUR grace and that YOU will get me to my destination. In JESUS’ Name, Amen.