COMMUNITY TAAP is Taking Action Against Prediabetes


Do you know someone who is having struggles with diabetes? What if you could make a difference by helping people take action against prediabetes to avoid Type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes a blood glucose level that is higher than the normal blood glucose levels but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. It is the intermediate blood glucose level between normal and diabetes. Prediabetes is a high-risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes. Community TAAP (Taking Action Against Prediabetes) is a newly organized non-profit 501(c)(3) organization designed to help people in the community be proactive to prevent prediabetes through education. Did you know that more than 98 million people in America have prediabetes equating to 1 out of 3 people. Let us work hard to prevent prediabetes. This will hopefully lower the rate of prediabetes which will ultimately lower the rate of Type 2 diabetes in Hamilton County and Tennessee.

Numerous research has shown that Type 2 diabetes can be prevented!  A Healthy lifestyle regimen is a great best-practice for taking action against prediabetes! The Community TAAP program is designed for adults, ages 18 and up, both males and females who have a high probability of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The targeted population is those who have a family history of diabetes, people who are overweight, and moms who have had gestational diabetes. Let’s do it—fight against prediabetes to STOP diabetes! The Community TAAP program Executive Director, Dr. Dorothy Simmons, invites you to have shared ownership for helping to prevent prediabetes within your community. You can help by sharing information about this new program, hosting group sessions in your community, or donating to this program. The Community TAAP program can be conducted at churches, community centers or workplaces. It is a free program to participate and bring others.  Please visit our website at or Community TAAP on Facebook. Please contact Dorothy Simmons, PH.D. at for more information or to schedule this program in your community location.