Ms. Shirley’s Christmas Toy and Clothing Drive


Giving Back to Our Community is the mind and heart-set of Mrs. Shirley Gordon 

2022 marked the 12th year of Ms. Shirley’s Christmas Toy and Clothing Drive.  This act of love and kindness was started as an honor and tribute to Ms. Shirley’s mother, Bessie Redmond, “a single mother who raised 11 children alone and depended greatly on the help of the community.  She was grateful for assistance in times of need and taught us to ‘give back’ for the help we received” proudly stated Ms. Shirley.

“This event is in its twelfth year and started in my hair salon, ‘Hair Logic’.  Approximately, three years ago a friend and I presented the idea to Pastor Anthony Williams at my church, Greater Friendship MB Church.  He loved the idea and offered the church for me to use as a giveaway location. With the assistance of my church family, as well as contributions from friends and community entities, I have gone from serving 25 families to being able this year 2022 to serve over 100 families!  We make children smile and help mothers provide for their children…just the way the community helped and did for my family when I was growing up.” Families received new toys for both boys and girls  as well as clothing: coats, hats, socks, scarves, etc.