McGhee Named UTC Communications Department Head


    Two years ago, Dr. Felicia McGhee was named the interim head of the Communication Department at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. However as of July 1, she took on the role as permanent head.  During her two years as interim, the department was fully reaccredited by the Accrediting Council on Education and Journalism and Mass Communication.  This accreditation serves as proof that the department is teaching students both practical and conceptual skills. 

    “Getting reaccredited was truly a team effort,” said Dr. McGhee.  “I cannot say enough about my colleagues during the reaccreditation process, they really stepped up.” 

    The department will go up for reaccreditation during the 2025-2026 school year.

    In addition to getting reaccredited, Dr. McGhee has led the department as they made changes to the major. Beginning in Fall 2021, the department will offer a Bachelor of Science instead of a Bachelor of Arts.  This move provides students with more training in the profession, and more exposure to diversity through a new Domestic and Global Diversity course.

     Dr. McGhee has been with department for 20 years, first starting as an adjunct professor, assistant professor, associate professor and now department head.  The Communication Department is the fourth largest major within the College of Arts & Science.  She will continue to lead 15 faculty and staff, and 451 students.

    “I think the department is on an upward trajectory, and I look forward to the great things we are going to do for our students in the future,” said McGhee.  “Go Mocs!”