‘Brainerd Believers Weekend’ set for Aug. 28-29


    When Brainerd High graduate Crystal Sorrells took over as principal for her alma mater this year, at the top of her agenda: a weekend celebration for “believers” in the school.

    “When I was named executive principal of Brainerd High School, I started thinking about this weekend because we needed a way to reintroduce ourselves to the Brainerd community and reintroduce ourselves as supporters and believers in Brainerd High School,” Sorrells explained. 

    “As a graduate of Brainerd High School, this particular calling, right here right now, is very personal and it’s very destined. And I’m excited to be here, but I know the work cannot be done in isolation. So I want to re-engage all of our supporters and all of the believers who know the potential of Brainerd High School, and get them involved.”

    “Brainerd Believers Weekend,” is set for Aug. 28 and 29. All events will take place on the Brainerd High School campus, 1020 N. Moore Rd.

    “We’re spending the entire weekend celebrating Brainerd High School, and encouraging those who believe in the work of Brainerd High School to get involved and to come celebrate with us,” Sorrells said.

    “We have a full weekend of activities and festivities to engage the community, engage our parents and students and celebrate Brainerd High School.”

    Aug. 28 “Community Bash” events include:

    9 a.m. – Women’s Empowerment Workshop 
    11:30 a.m. – Vendor display and Meet and Greet with the Brainerd Feeder Pattern Administrators
    Noon – Cempa Community Workout on the front lawn
    2 p.m. – Talent showcase
    5 p.m. – Brainerd vs. Howard Varsity Football Game

    Free Covid testing and Covid vaccinations with incentives for students, food trucks and a blood bank–among others–will also be available onsite.
    Aug. 29 “Bringing Back The Praise” events:2 p.m. – “Spiritual Walk” through the building with local clergy 
    3 p.m. – “Program of Praise and Positivity,” featuring motivational speakers, choirs, soloists and spoken word from artists who believe in Brainerd High School 

    Sorrells said she is especially excited about Sunday’s “purposeful walk through the building” with local faith leaders, who will be offering prayers and “just pouring out positivity, covering our building with positive energy and positive vibes for the new year.” 

    She added, “The overall goal is to let students see the enthusiasm and excitement around the joy of Brainerd High School. Because those of us who graduated from here are very excited and remember our time spent in this building as very positive times, very exciting and fun times, and we want to make sure our students who are here now experience that same sense of pride.”

    While serving as principal of East Ridge High School, Sorrells was named 2021 Principal of the Year for Hamilton County Schools. She has been an educator for 22 years, and is the daughter of two longtime HCS educators.

    Sorrells first joined HCS in 2009 as assistant principal at Brainerd High School. Since then, she’s served as principal at Orchard Knob Middle, Tyner Middle Academy and East Ridge High School.

    Brainerd High School opened in 1960, and is one of Hamilton County’s newest magnet schools. 

    “A lot of the people who will be participating during ‘Brainerd Believers Weekend’ are graduates of Brainerd High School, or have students at Brainerd High School, or just love Brainerd High School for whatever reason,” Sorrells said.

    “I just want to thank our community and all of our surrounding area. There’s no doubt there are lots of believers in Brainerd High School. I appreciate that love and support, and we hope that we can continue to make people proud of the work that we’re doing here.”