CHATTANOOGA, TN — Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church (OKMBC) is pleased to announce the installation of Rev. Rodney T. Morton as the sixteenth senior pastor. The installation is a five-day celebration, January 10-14, culminating with a worship celebration service. The theme for this historic occasion is “Thriving Forward Together”.
Please visit to learn more about Pastor Morton and his ministry.

Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church New Senior Pastor installation activities
CHATTANOOGA, TN — Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church (OKMBC) is pleased to announce the installation of Rev. Rodney T. Morton as the sixteenth senior pastor. The installation is a five-day celebration, January 10-14, culminating with a worship celebration service. The theme for this historic occasion is “Thriving Forward Together.”
Wednesday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m. (in-person and virtual)
The celebration will begin with an evening worship service with preaching by Rev. Dr. Ernest L. Reid, Jr., Senior Pastor of Second Missionary Baptist Church here in Chattanooga.
Saturday, January 13 at 2 p.m. (in-person and virtual)
The official ceremonial service of installation will be officiated by Rev. Dr. Wayne L. Johnson, Senior Pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and First Vice President-at-Large of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, and preached by Rev. Aaron L. Dobynes, Sr., Senior Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Sunday, January 14 at 9:30 a.m. (in-person and virtual)
Rev. Dr. Michael A. Chambers, Pastor-Elect of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, will preach the Sunday morning worship celebration service.
REVEREND RODNEY TODD MORTON is a Selma University graduate with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Bible and Pastoral Ministry. He is also a graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts degree in Christian Education and a Master of Divinity degree w/specialization in Christian Education and a Philadelphia Bible College and Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry degree. As he is affectionately called, Pastor Morton has extensive experience in pastoral ministry, community organizing, and civic engagement. His pastoral experience spans Alabama and Maryland; he is passionate about building strong communities. Pastor Morton is the founder and former president of Nehemiah Central Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit organization focused on addressing housing, education, and food insecurity in underserved communities.
Pastor Morton, his wife Lady Rhonda, a long-time educator, and their son Rylan, a freshman in college, come to us from Baltimore City, Maryland, where they have spent the past eleven years serving The Central Baptist Church. Before moving to Maryland, Pastor Morton served as Pastor of the Historic Tabernacle Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama, and the Mt. Olive #2 Missionary Baptist Church in Sardis, Alabama. Pastor Morton also taught Religious Studies at Selma University.
Pastor Morton is characterized as an effective, decisive, engaged servant of the Lord who leads with integrity and love and sees value in everyone he encounters. His demonstrative expository preaching and teaching methods foster holistic growth and committed discipleship. His spiritual leadership is an asset and an answer to prayer. Pastor Morton, Lady Rhonda, and Rylan are native bbvghhhhhm.ministry and kingdom-building. n
Please visit to learn more about Pastor Morton and his ministry.