140th Church Anniversary Celebrated at HURST United Methodist Church Sunday, August 28, 2022, & Beck Knob Cemetery Recognition Held Sat. Aug 27th

Photo from hurstumc.org
Photo from hurstumc.org

Hurst United Methodist Church (UMC) will celebrate its 140th Church Anniversary and Beck Knob Cemetery Recognition on Sunday, August 28, 2022.  The 11:00 AM speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Bethel Hendricks.

On Saturday, August 27, 2022, Hurst (UMC) will recognize Living Relatives with family interred at Beck Knob Cemetery, as well as individuals and organizations who have given time and resources to get Beck Knob to its current status.

Organizations and individuals instrumental in getting Beck Knob on the National Historic Registry will be recognized. We are grateful for all of the work given from the Chattanooga Historical society who connected us to Middle Tennessee State University, Center for Historic Preservation  and the many hands contributing to the clearing and cleaning of Beck Knob Cemetery.  The Center for Historic Preservation played a major role in our receiving placement on the National Historic Registry.  The list of committed  individuals and  Corporations is too lengthy to include with this announcement but will be on the Beck Knob Cemetery website to express our appreciation for the years of service you have given.

Hurst United Methodist Church is located at 829 Dallas Road,
(423) 756-1557.  The Reverend Charles Smelley is pastor.