“Through Deep Waters” – In the Huddle



(Isaiah 43:2, NLT)

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.


You may be in deep waters today. The business suffered a setback, the medical report wasn’t good, or the addiction seems permanent. But GOD is saying, “You’re not staying there. You’re going through it.” When you’re in deep waters, you need to remind yourself that it’s temporary. Now quit wasting time by worrying about that situation that you can’t control. The trouble is not permanent. The sickness, the loneliness, or the difficulty is just a stop along the way. But if you give in to it and let it overwhelm you with discouragement, you’ll settle there and let what should have been temporary become permanent. The good news is that your HEAVENLY FATHER, the MOST HIGH GOD, is with you in the deep waters. There may be obstacles that look insurmountable, but HE has the final say. If you have faith in the middle, HE’ll open up doors that no man can shut. HE’ll turn situations around that
look impossible. HE’ll take you further than you’ve ever imagined.


FATHER, thank YOU for YOUR promise to be with me through the deepest of waters. Even when life seems to be out of control, I choose to trust in YOU and believe that YOU have the final say. I declare that YOU are with me, and YOU overrule. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.