Historians Say First Americans Were Black Indians of African Descent


Dr. David Imhotep, a respected historian and the first person in the world to hold a Ph.D in Ancient African Ancestry, argues that all humans originated from the continent of Africa and this includes Americans. Most books about American history begin with Cowboys and Indians, but that’s not the beginning of American history. An overwhelming amount of evidence supports the fact that there was indeed a presence and legacy of Africans in ancient America.

In his book They Came Before Columbus, historian Ivan Van Sertima examines navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans; the transportation of plants, animals, and textiles between the continents; and the diaries, journals, and oral accounts of the explorers themselves to support the claim of an African presence in the New World centuries before Christopher Columbus arrive.

Several other historical accounts support this claim. For example, the launching of the great ships of Mali in 1310 (two hundred master boats and two hundred supply boats), the sea expedition of the Mandingo king in 1311, and many others. The unmistakable face and handprint of black Africans in pre-Columbian America, and their overwhelming impact on the civilizations they encountered is undeniable.

In The First Americans Were Africans, Dr. Imhotep also makes this same passionate and comprehensive case for a radical rewrite of orthodox history. He says that by examining the scientific and geological evidence, it can easily be determined that people of African descent were in America before the Vikings or Columbus. And this includes both North America and South America. In fact, there is a picture that can be seen today at the Natural Museum of London that was taken by the crew of The HMS Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876 A.D. at the most Southern region of South America at a place known today as Tierra del Fuego. In this picture is a colorful display of African explorers.