Advertise With Us

Informing and educating African-American consumers about your products and services produces results!
For over 30 years, the Chattanooga News Chronicle (CNC) has broadened the choices available to the general citizenry and to business for their advertising dollars.
CNC’s circulation of 3,000 newspapers weekly is distributed through, street-stands, in-store stands, churches, and local businesses, in combination with our website ( – 66K views monthly) and social media presence, our estimated readership is 75,000 – 80,000 monthly.
The CNC reaches more African Americans than any print media in Chattanooga, thereby providing you with the most effective vehicle for promoting your business and directly motivating the African American consumer.
With CNC you have a local newspaper and professional personnel with decades of experience, providing your company with a positive identity within the African American community.
Total Population: 182,113
White population: 60.7%
African American population: 31.0%
Other: 8.3%
(based on 2021 U.S. Census data)
African Americans represent 31% of Chattanooga’s population (56,455). The Chattanooga News Chronicle (CNC) reaches 60% of all African American adult readers in and around Chattanooga.
Editorial Calendar & Ad Rates:
For complete details regarding our Editorial Calendar and advertising rates, please contact us at: or call us at: (423) 267-2313