TRIBUTE to Coach Jennings

‘Coach’ Jennings’ recognizes student’s for their achievements during the Mary Walker Foundation’s summer program Camp REACH June of 2023 at Hope City Church.
“Coach” Lurone Jennings, Sr.–Sunday, April 11, 1954-Saturday, January 25, 2025.

Mr. Jennings’ passing is a great loss to this community. His service, dedication, and passion for the personal development of people in Chattanooga’s most underserved neighborhoods, particularly the youth, were unmatched.

Coach has been a friend of my family for several decades, and when he asked me to succeed him as executive director of the Mary Walker Foundation—founded by my grandfather, the late Rev. John L. Edwards Sr.—I was honored and a little intimidated, but ready for the task. I had big shoes to fill and a legacy of influential leaders of the organization to uphold.

His leadership, along with the guidance and opportunities he provided to me and this organization, was invaluable. He will always be remembered and deeply appreciated.” Adrian J. Edwards, Executive Director, Mary Walker Historical & Educational Foundation – Adrian Edwards, Executive Director, Mary Walker Foundation (MWF)

               TRIBUTE to Coach Jennings

I’m not exactly certain when I met Coach, I’m thinking it was after he became director of the Bethlehem Center.  But I am real certain the purpose of our meeting involved several organizations working to teach and create opportunities for young people.  When Coach talked, you could feel the sincerity in his voice and his commitment to helping young people. 

As the relationship grew and progressed, Coach added his support and admiration to the Mary Walker Historical & Educational Foundation (MWF) as well as to Veterans.  At the Bethlehem Center, he utilized various MWF historical exhibits to teach as well as to help our youth realize their innate brilliance because of their rich heritage. 

When Lurone met my father, the Reverend J. Loyd Edwards, Jr. (Civil Right leader and Nashville native), founder of MWF, they became immediate friends as they vigorously engaged in talks of history, Nashville where Lurone went to college, and, of course, religion. Lurone rose quickly in the ranks of the lineup of ‘adopted and favorite’ sons.

Decades later, as Lurone ended various illustrious career choices and was looking forward to retirement, my father and I asked him (jokingly) to consider taking the position of executive director at MWF. We were hesitant in the ‘Ask’……but hopeful he might have a ‘weak moment’! His response was not what we expected and more valuable than we could have imagined!  Lurone ‘ Coach’ Jennings used his talents and resources to make possible for a third-generation Edwards, my son Adrian, to be trained and educated to take the helm and successfully run a local, non-profit organization, the Mary Walker Historical & Educational Foundation.  My father used to say “I DON’T GIVE UNTIL IT HURTS; I GIVE UNTIL IT FEELS GOOD”!  Lurone ‘Coach Jennings LIVED THOSE WORDS and his legacy is evidence of the thousands of lives he impacted. – John L. Edwards, III. Publisher, Chattanooga News Chronicle and former Executive Director, MWF.