The Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is commissioned to teach, train and empower its members for lay ministry, global leadership and service following the tenets of Jesus Christ. The purpose of this organization is to organize and train the laity of the AME Church so that each lay person my utilize their God given abilities and skills to improve and to extend the kingdom to create peace and harmony among its members. May 4th, The East Tennessee Conference Lay Organization, within the Tennessee Mountain District, under the directions of President, Charles W. Moore, held its annual Lay luncheon/program at Warren Chapel, AME Church where the Rev. Jermain Wilson is the pastor. Chattanooga Police Chief, Celeste Murphy was the keynote speaker. Chief Murphy was introduced by retired Detective, Dr. Van Hinton, and the Mayor of Chattanooga, Tim Kelly, was present via a video presentation welcoming the Lay Organization to the city of Chattanooga.